Acknowledging a team member with an award encourages others to do better and promotes employee retention. The key here is awarding an employee when he or she deserves it, or this moment will lose its power. Whether they plan to award plaques or trophies, San Diego businesses can use the following guide to make it easier to figure out when the time is right to award one of their team members. Prioritizes A team member who knows how to prioritize when not told to should be recognized. This employee has been working for you long enough to know which tasks are vital and which can be set aside on days …

Giving out corporate plaques and other awards is a great way to show employees they are appreciated. When you give them out, be as specific as possible. Your employees should be given awards that speak to their accomplishments. Here are six common corporate awards to consider giving out to your employees. 1. Best Team Player You can’t expect your company to succeed unless everyone on your team can work in harmony. Pay attention to who on your team is best at managing conflicts and working for the common good of the company. It’s also important to remember the best team players don’t announce themselves as such. Instead, they’ll be focused …

Recognizing your employees for their achievements is a great way to incentivize them to do more great work. On the other hand, you should also be careful not to give awards and accolades too freely, or they cease to have real meaning or value. In addition, sometimes bonuses or other perks are more appropriate, so it can also be difficult to determine when to give your employees recognition for their achievements and when to give them a bonus, perk, or other type of reward such as trophies or plaques. Here are a few times you might want to give your employee an award.  Truly Stellar Accomplishments  There may be times …