Keeping Bronze Military Awards Shiny

By , 8:09 pm on
military awards and decorations
military awards – Trophy and Plaque

Bronze military awards and decorations are usually bestowed while new and shiny. However, after some time, it is common to see them form a dull patina that can even turn an unsettling greenish shade. This often happens due to oxidization when the award is exposed to air and moisture that tarnish the metal. Thankfully, bronze is a versatile material that you can easily restore with only common household cleaning items. Here are some helpful tips on how to get your bronze military awards looking brilliant and how to keep them that way.

How to handle your military awards

Form a habit of always handling your military awards and decorations by their edges using your thumb and forefinger. As much as possible, also make use of clean cotton gloves. Plastic or latex gloves are not highly recommended as they may contain lubricants or powder that may end up damaging the metal. Wearing gloves will help to reduce exposing the metal to any corrosive oils or acids that may be on your hands. It is common for people to mistakenly etch their fingerprints on the surface of their medal by handling it bare-handed. When not being handled, try to keep your award in protective cases.

The importance of cleaning your military awards

For day-to-day cleaning, opt to just dust the medals regularly. Use a soft and dry cloth. If you see that there is dirt getting ingrained in crevices, use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to get rid of the dust. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush and some distilled water to get the dirt out of such areas.
For a deeper clean, use distilled water, a soft cloth, and mild soap. Ensure that you do not use hard water which can leave calcium deposits on your medals. Thereafter, use a soft and dry cloth to dry the award.

Polishing of military awards and decorations

It is possible to polish your bronze military awards to give them more of a shine. However, keep in mind that bronze is a soft metal that can easily be scratched. Be gentle during this process to avoid abrasive action. You can use household items like table salt, flour, and white vinegar to create a thick paste. Use equal parts salt and flour. Use a soft cloth to gently rub the paste on the medal and allow it to stand for an hour. Rinse with warm distilled water and gently dry with a soft cloth until it shines.

Waxing of military awards

Waxing is only recommended when you have an award that is frequently exposed to the elements and is thus more likely to become tarnished. The wax will not only add shine, but it will also create a protective barrier against air and moisture. Use commercial wax recommended for bronze and buff till your get that desired shine.