When we think of the brave men and women who serve in the armed forces, images of courage, sacrifice, and dedication immediately come to mind. These individuals put their lives on the line to safeguard our freedoms and protect our nations. In recognition of their exceptional valor and unwavering commitment, the military bestows upon them various accolades, two of the most distinguished being military awards and military medals. Understanding Military Awards A soldier’s medals stand as a testament to the remarkable achievements and contributions of service members. These awards acknowledge not only acts of gallantry in the face of adversity but also exemplary service, leadership, and dedication to duty. The …

Bronze military awards and decorations are usually bestowed while new and shiny. However, after some time, it is common to see them form a dull patina that can even turn an unsettling greenish shade. This often happens due to oxidization when the award is exposed to air and moisture that tarnish the metal. Thankfully, bronze is a versatile material that you can easily restore with only common household cleaning items. Here are some helpful tips on how to get your bronze military awards looking brilliant and how to keep them that way. How to handle your military awards Form a habit of always handling your military awards and decorations by …

Those that serve in the military will often earn different awards for their accomplishments from heroic acts or meritorious service. These will often come from the military in the form of ribbons, medals, and decorations they can wear on their uniforms or otherwise display. Extending commendations is however not just the preserve of the military. Civilians can also show recognition and appreciation for this service. From engraved plates to patriotic statuettes, many military awards can be presented. Eagle statuettes are a popular option and are often made of brass material. They are very attractive and can be displayed appealingly, indoors or outdoors. Being a small statuette size makes them easy …