6 Awards for Unconventional Achievements

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Perpetual trophy

If anything feels better than getting a little acknowledgment for hard work, it’s seeing the smile on the faces of people who have achieved something special when being acknowledged with trophies or award plaques. San Diego residents can show admiration by giving awards to the people who have reached their goals, no matter what those goals may be, as it can make them feel great and inspire them to future success. Here are six unconventional accomplishments that deserve recognition.

1. Sticking to a Budget

Successfully meeting the challenge of budgeting finances for all the responsibilities in life can be a major achievement to people who are used to prioritizing wants over needs. If someone in your life has made major strides in being more financially responsible, acknowledging this positive change may inspire him or her to stick to the newfound discipline.

2. Reading for Pleasure

Reading is one of the most important ways to grow as people and consistently challenge ourselves. Too many people only make time to learn when it’s required by school or a profession. Let someone who is always learning and absorbing new information through books know you think he or she is great.

3. Quickly Responding to Emails

Successful communication in a professional environment is critical to the success of any organization. However, some people treat an email as an unwanted interruption. If there’s somebody in the office who always seems available and is quick to respond to emails or text messages, awarding him or her for prompt responses might inspire sluggish colleagues to follow the example.

4. Getting Out of Bed on Time

Every day is a challenge when it comes to getting kids up and ready for school. If you have a child who has made massive improvements in getting ready for the day or shines above his or her siblings, rewarding good habits may be more effective than punishing the siblings to inspire similar behavior.

5. Listening without Judgement or Interrupting

Many people find it difficult to listen without trying to problem solve, or even simply without interrupting. Sometimes it feels like people are just waiting for their turn to speak. Exceptional listening skills and always being ready with a sympathetic ear is worthy of praise. Let these people know their listening skills have been heard.

6. Having the Healthiest Snacks

All of the readily available, unhealthy snack options out there can send health-conscious people into the foodie blues, especially with an empty stomach. If there’s someone in your life who always seems to have the healthiest snacks to help you get through those hunger pangs without guilt, a little award may make him or her feel like those efforts are appreciated.

No matter what the award is for, get in touch with Gold Medallion Awards, a trusted trophy shop. San Diego residents can customize their orders by coming into our shop or giving us a call at 858-279-4970.