Customizing Retirement Products To Be Meaningful

By , 8:26 pm on

Acrylic awards

Retirements are a bitter-sweet event where an employee comes to the end of their work life. For many, they mark the end of a fulfilling and productive period and the beginning of enjoyment towards their sunset years. Employers will often use retirement products like plaques and other awards to commemorate this departure. Here are a few ways to make this event and recognition more meaningful to the recipient.

Write A Meaningful Tribute

It is not good enough to simply state best wishes for retirement. It is important to recognize the person’s contributions to the business and how much they will be missed. Compose a message that demonstrates how valued and appreciated they have been. Something they will take pride in showing off to others. Thankfully, engraved retirement plaques typically offer a sizable surface on which to share your message.


Since the award will be coming from the employer, it is expected that you may indicate the company name or logo somewhere on the award. You can also opt to further customize by adding a design feature that links to what the person used to do for the company or even their personal interests. You can add an image or other embellishment that acknowledges what the person is well known for. For instance, if they are known for their love of golf, you can incorporate such imagery in the award. It lets the person know that people were paying attention and understand what he enjoys most.


Make the handing over of engraved retirement plaques a ceremony. This will add deeper meaning to the award. Even if you will not hold a banquet, arrange for a supervisor or other management to hand over the award in front of other employees and have a suitable speech ready. This public recognition and photo opportunity will make the retirement event more memorable and treasured by the retiree.


People feel even more recognized when the awards they are given are publicized. This can be especially meaningful to those retirees that have played a significant role in the growth and success of the business. Be sure to have photographs from the ceremony published on your social media channels, company newsletter, and website. Not only will the person feel valued, but it can cheer up other employees who will know that the effort they put into their work will not go unnoticed. It is a simple yet effective morale booster, even if they are not the ones receiving an award.